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Ana Sayfa: HoÅŸ Geldiniz


          First of all, my group friends Ä°lkay, Mustafa and me talked about our duties and made joint decisions about our cooperation. The first task we had to do was find a SecondLife business where we could negotiate. All members instantly sent messages to communicate with businesses on SecondLife. Ä°lkay was the first person to receive an answer. Our answer was given by Essencia Hotels. The next step is to create common questions that we are curious about and Ilkay completed the interview with the receptionist working at the hotel. After the interview, we had the chance to discover the hotel. The hotel was truly enchantingly beautiful. It was run very well. We wrote our reports after taking notes of our experiences. Then we prepared a presentation using our reports.

It seemed really difficult to get answers from businesses due to the Covid-19 intensity, but all group members completed their tasks completely. It was a very good experience for me.

Ana Sayfa: Hakkımızda


      Hello, today I will tell you about the "Live and Learn in Kenya" charity that continues its work both in the world and in SecondLife. Brique Topaz's is the director of this charity. I want to convey the information I have obtained from him. It is a non-profit charity with headquarters in Selb, Germany and registered in Germany and Kenya. Their slogans are 'Feed a Smile'. They organize various events in Second Life for example concerts and art exhibitions. With the money they collect from these events, they meet the needs of poor children in Kenya. I really appreciated their work. The issue of reaching more benefactors by continuing these studies on SecondLife is really impressive, and it makes me proud to be in this project.

Ana Sayfa: Hizmetler


          This week I will share with you my experiences about our trip to Inspiration Island. This trip was provided to us by the organization Whole Brain Health. Lissena, CEO of this organization, told us about their activities. These activities carried out the activities aim to promote vitality in the fields of Body, Mind and Spirit and to reward them for achieving the goal. You can find all kinds of activities you can think of on this island, but you need to decide what benefit you can do in the virtual world. During the pandemic we live in, there may be spiritually beautiful activities for you.

Ana Sayfa: Çalışma Saatleri


Hello everyone, a new day and new developments. Today we learned to create objects in SecondLife. After you expand, stretch, color and shape any shape you want, everything you want to create is entirely based on your imagination. You can earn money by creating and selling the objects you create in your business life! I am really happy about the time I spend here, it always excites me to learn new information every day.

Ana Sayfa: Hakkında


Hello, today we met FLY, who is a music teacher in her real life and has also appeared in many events at SecondLife, who is very talented and smiling. He conveyed us his entrance to SecondLife and his advice. He talked about his life on SecondLife and how he was recognized on the platform. He has participated in many volunteer activities and promised us that he will be with us in the event we will organize. He gave us an excellent concert during the lesson, it was very enjoyable to listen to. I am excited to listen again and feel very lucky.

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